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This is BETA version, just for demo use. we are coming in 2024 Summer.


Why Originem ?

Specialized Crowdfunding

Leverage the power of crowdfunding tailored specifically for bag design. With Originem, reach a dedicated audience that appreciates and supports innovative and sustainable bag projects, ensuring your ideas get the backing they deserve.

A Community of Support

Join a vibrant community of designers, backers, and sustainable fashion enthusiasts. Originem is not just a platform but a family where members support and inspire each other, sharing knowledge, feedback, and encouragement.

How Originem Work

Sign Up & Submit Your Design

Begin by joining the Originem community. Create your designer profile and submit your innovative bag design along with your project goals and vision.

Get Feedback & Launch Your Campaign

Receive constructive feedback from the Originem team to refine your project. Once ready, launch your crowdfunding campaign on the platform to share your vision with the world.

Reach Your Funding Goals

Promote your campaign to attract backers. Originem provides tools and tips for effective outreach to ensure you meet your funding objectives.

Bring Your Design to Market

With your project funded and product manufactured, it’s time to deliver to your backers and introduce your innovative bag to the market.

Grow with Originem

Continue to innovate and design. Leverage the Originem community for your next projects, and grow your brand with our ongoing support and resources.


If you need any help, please email us at

Originem is uniquely focused on bag design, offering specialized crowdfunding support that’s tailored to the specific needs of bag designers.

Our platform not only emphasizes sustainability in fashion but also provides direct access to our "OEM by Originem Partner" services, ensuring your designs transition smoothly from concept to market-ready products.

Start by creating your designer profile on Originem. Once registered, you can submit your project through our easy-to-use submission form, where you’ll detail your design concept, sustainability practices, funding goals, and timeline.

Our team will review your submission and provide feedback to help refine your campaign.

Absolutely! Originem welcomes both emerging and established designers. We believe in fostering a community where innovation can flourish, regardless of your experience level. Our platform and support services are designed to help all designers bring their visionary bag projects to life.

We look for projects that are innovative, feasible, and have a clear focus on sustainability. Your design should offer something unique to the market and align with our mission to revolutionize the bag industry.

Each submission is reviewed on its merits, including design quality, sustainability practices, and market potential.

Projects on Originem operate on a crowdfunding model, where designers set a funding goal and campaign duration. Backers can pledge to your project, and if the goal is met or exceeded by the campaign’s end, the project is considered successfully funded.

Originem provides tools and guidance to help you reach your funding objectives.

If a project doesn’t meet its funding goal, all pledges are refunded to backers. Our team will provide feedback and support to help you refine your project for potential relaunch on Originem.

Originem charges a platform fee on successfully funded projects, which is a percentage of the total funds raised. This fee covers the cost of the support, resources, and tools provided by Originem to help make your project a success.

Detailed fee information is available on our website.


For more inquiries or personalized support, please contact us at

Our team is ready to assist you with any questions you may have about Originem or launching your project with us.

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