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This is BETA version, just for demo use. we are coming in 2024 Summer.


Designer Guide

Calling all visionary designers and innovators! We’re thrilled you’re here. Originem is the platform where creators like you bring groundbreaking product designs to life. Our community can’t wait to see your imagination unleashed through a successful crowdfunding launch.

This Designer Guide illuminates the path from concept to crowdfunded reality. We’ll explore how to tap into your limitless creativity, avoid common pitfalls, and leverage Originem’s designer-focused tools at each stage. With our support, you can overcome every obstacle standing between you and your dreams.

Before You Start Designing

Conduct market research to identify user needs and study current trends and innovations. Understand key manufacturing considerations around materials, processes, costs, and production limitations that will impact your design

Creating Your Design

Ensure your work is original and does not copy from existing brands or designers, to avoid intellectual property violations. design elements mindfully to create an appropriate, inclusive product that aligns with community values.

Provide realistic specifications considering practicality, available materials, and manufacturing capabilities.

Submit CAD to Originem

To prepare your design for submission, refine CAD models that showcase your design and its benefits. Include supplementary documents covering technical specifications, and manufacturing considerations. Thoroughly presenting every aspect of your vision sets it up for success in Originem’s review process. Our team evaluates submissions on feasibility, practicality, and alignment with community values. Plan for a 3-4 weeks turnaround to hear back after applying.

Partnering for Success

If we, Originem, select your design for crowdfunding, this marks the start of an exciting partnership. As the designer, you maintain ownership of your intellectual property and original vision.

By agreeing to launch on Originem, you grant us conditional rights to manufacture and sell your product exclusively through our platform. This allows us to handle production logistics and fulfillment seamlessly while you focus on your strengths in creation and promotion.

Prototyping Your Vision

We’re excited to provide designers with their very first bag sample completely free of charge. This allows you to physically see your initial vision take shape before investing further. Please provide realistic dimensions and specifications suitable for the first sample. This first sample is a valuable opportunity to evaluate and refine your concept.

Bring Your Vision to Life Through Storytelling

Share what sparked this idea and the personal passion driving you. Outline the concrete benefits and innovations that make your product truly unique. Your the narrative should elicit excitement and an emotional investment in the campaign’s success.

Bringing Your Vision to Backers

Be actively involved throughout the entire process. As units are produced, keep your backers enthusiastically engaged with regular updates on manufacturing progress and projected timelines. Share photos and videos that take supporters behind the scenes of creation.

A crucial final step is delivering the physical product to the backers who made it possible. Originem handles reward fulfillment and ships units promptly to backers once they roll off the production line.

We include a thoughtful thank-you note with every order, expressing gratitude for the backer’s faith in the designer’s vision.

Unleash Your Creativity with Originem Studio

This guide is only the beginning of how Originem empowers your creativity and success. You’ll also gain access to an ecosystem tailored to a vision like yours.

Brainstorm and exchange feedback freely in our Designer Studio. If you hit a snag with a prototype, our team provides hands-on assistance. Work directly with engineering experts to evaluate and refine your design. We’ll ensure no detail is overlooked on the path to manufacturing.

Our customer experience team is always standing by if you need additional support or simply have questions along the way. Consider us mentors invested in facilitating your crowdfunding triumph.

Originem is more than a platform - we’re a launchpad helping visionaries like you make liftoff possible. This guide was the pre-flight briefing to ready your dreams for flight. Now it’s time to boldly take off into the stratosphere and make
your imagination is real.

We hope this guide provided a valuable introduction to designing and launching projects with Originem.

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